Real People. Real Conflict. Real Romance.
Historical Romance
in the style of Jane Austen
Presenter Information
Engaging Paullett Golden
As a seasoned speaker, facilitator, and professor, Paullett is available for engagement for interviews, workshops, booksignings, readings, and more, including presentations to writing retreats, classrooms, libraries, organizations, book clubs, college classes, writing groups, commencement ceremonies, conferences, group meetings, etc.
Book clubs hoping to invite Paullett Golden as a guest speaker for Q&A should complete this form as the formal request.
All other event invitations, especially those requesting a presentation, should contact
For presentations, a topic of Golden's choice may be selected, or a personalized topic may be requested to meet the needs of the event and audience. Presentations can be structured as interactive or lecture, depending on the needs of the event and audience.
There are three presentation series available:
Writing as Craft
Research Methodology
Historic Society
Each of these series can be customized for a writing audience or a reading audience, as well as for the needed level of detail based on the knowledge and expertise of the audience. If a combination is desired, please specify in the request.
Writing as Craft topics may include focuses on writing style, writing process, character development, story plotting, character arcs, world building, editing and revising, dialogue, narration, scene setting, writing critique, grammar and punctuation, foreign language incorporation, idioms and etymology, cant phraseology, and more.
Research Methodology topics may include focuses on historical accuracy, historical research, research techniques, historic sources (fiction and non-fiction), historic resources and databases, research synthesis, history modernization, primary and secondary sources, scholarly sources, idioms and etymology, cant phraseology, and more.
Historic Society topics may include focuses on Georgian mores, Victorian mores (emphasis on women as the "Angel in the House"), historical immersion, literary portrayal, social tiers (emphasis on aristocrats, landed gentry, commoners), etiquette and propriety, diversity and inclusion, courtship through marriage traditions and expectations, aristocracy (emphasis on structure, titles, forms of address, and duties), and more.
Please contact for availability and pricing (if applicable) via
Book Boxes
For those engaging Paullett Golden as a guest speaker, virtually or in-person, a specialty book box may be sent to the group (be it a club, classroom, or otherwise) with book swag, such as bookmarks for the group's readers, autographed bookplates, one autographed copy of the book, one printed copy of the book club kit, and other thematic goodies ranging from tea leaves to poetry pocket books, all inspired by the book.
The book boxes are themed per book and aim to enhance the reading experience. Surprises await when the group reaches specific page numbers and plot points. Individually wrapped gifts with marked page numbers will offer an immersive experience.
Enjoy this teaser of the book box experience from Kiana:

FAQs About PG
Q: How long have you been writing?
A: For as long as I can remember. I started out by writing mystery stories until I discovered the Historical Romance genre. I do plan to add additional genres to my book list at some point, so you might find some gothic novels, romantic suspense, and even mystery in the future.
Q: What's your personality in person?
A: By Myers-Briggs standards, I'm an INTJ, if that helps.
Q: Where do you get your inspiration?
A: Mostly from the people I meet and the places I visit. When I meet someone, I often wonder about their story. My characters are never based on a single person, but rather a combination of people I've met. Places I visit definitely inspire me. I travel often to capture the feel of places accurately, and in doing so, am always moved by new places I see along the way.
Q: How long does it take you to write one book?
A: Each book is different, and it depends on how you define the start and end of "writing." I spend weeks and months mulling over plot points, character personalities, dialogue, locations, and so forth. By the time I sit down to write, I've already brainstormed and outlined most of the book.
FAQs About Books
Q: Will you write prequels and sequels?
A: It depends on the series, but generally, yes. The Enchantresses, for instance, has at least two prequels, possibly more, and will definitely have sequels, but they'll be some time in coming. I plan to have several other series out before I revisit The Enchantresses for the sequels. The children of the heroes and heroines in The Enchantresses will certainly all have their own stories (right in time for the Regency era!).
Q: Will I see characters from one series in other series or within the books of the same series?
A: Yes to both! I've crafted a world within a world, and just as with the reality of the time, this is a fairly small world in terms of societal familiarity. Across books and even series, you will see characters reappear, sometimes as a quick mention like attending the same party, and other times as an important secondary character. The world you see in one series is the same as in another series, so the couple you see in one is alive and well in another, and thus may attend the same event, know the same people, or have a role to play in that book.
Q: How can I read an excerpt of your upcoming books?
A: Join my mailing list, as I often include excerpts in the periodic newsletter. Also, follow me on social media, as I post excerpts there, as well, from time to time. Asking me on social media is the best way, though. If you're interacting as a reader and a fan, and you want to see a glimpse of a book that's slated to come out soon, ask me! I'll be more than happy to post a sneak peek just for you!
Q: How do you decide which characters will have their own book in a series?
A: Some writers may have this planned out from the beginning, but I don't! I start out with a single book idea and expect that book to be a standalone. While crafting character backstories and personalities, some of them begin standing out more than others, practically screaming to me to have their own book because they have a tale to tell. Surprisingly, I also like the challenge of writing a story about a character I might not initially like while writing another book. Perhaps they're a tad villainous in a book. What a challenge to get to know them so well that I end up sympathizing with them, as might the reader. I also listen to reader requests, so if there's a character the readers want to read more of by way of another book, I am happy to make that dream come true.
How to Ask Questions
Q: How can I ask you a question or have my question featured on the website?
A: Have a question about publishing, writing, books, or me? Click on the Contact tab to send me a message. You can also follow me on social media to ask a question directly.