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Fast Facts
This collection provides "fast facts" or "shorts" about the Georgian era, from idioms and Regency cant to trivia, fashion, and more. This collection is for quick reference only, not intended to provide scholarly research. For the latter, visit the Research section of this website.
Within each "fast fact," you'll find a graphic with information that complements, supplements, or highlights the text, so be sure to reference the graphic, not just the provided text. In many of these, there are additional links for more detail.
The filter option will help narrow for a more specific search, but the filter topics are broad and general, so consider using multiple filter checkboxes simultaneously for better search results.
Both the Research blog and this Fast Facts collection are updated regularly to provide more information about the Georgian era.
Idiom Lombard Street
The meaning and origin of the Georgian era idiom "All Lombard Street to a China orange"
Idiom: Embarrassing
A few Regency slang phrases for embarrassing oneself or being caught in an embarrassing predicament
Travelling Considerations
Travelling considerations when trekking across England during the Georgian era
Impediments to Marriage
The reasons parishioners could object to a marriage during the calling of banns in the Georgian era
Idiom: Tomfoolery
The origins of the term tomfoolery, from the Georgian Era to its earlier inspiration
Fashion: Gown Colors
The hues worn by unmarried ladies versus married ladies during the Regency
Village Shops
A few of the shops one might encounter in a village or market town in the Georgian era
Fashion: Pelisses & Spencers
A look at winter fashion for ladies, focusing on the pelisse and spencer
Daily Schedule: Evening
The evening routine in the country for our Georgian era heroes and heroines
Tudor Architecture
Types of Tudor architecture which consisted of most of the stately homes during the Georgian era
Forms of Address: Daughters
A cheat sheet for addressing unmarried ladies, including aristocratic daughters, the daughters of gentlemen, and commoners