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Definition of paper hangings and types of wallpaper
Are you fond of wallpaper, or do you prefer a painted wall?
The word “wallpaper” was not used until 1827. Until then, wallpaper was referred to as “paper hangings.”
It was during the 18th century that paper hangings rose in popularity. By the early 19th century, no stylish home would be without. Because there was a hefty tax imposed on wallpaper (but of course there was!), only the wealthy could afford it. One did not buy wallpaper by the roll, rather one purchased it sheet by sheet, and the tax applied to each sheet. One had to pay the tax prior to ordering the paper, showing proof payment to the shopkeeper at time of purchase.
The taste in style varied, but most of the wallpaper designs were Chinese or French. Some had a complete scene, usually mural pictorials, while others had a simple, repeating pattern. The complex scenes were called chinoiseries. The popular patterns were damask, floral, and foliage. The fabric used ranged widely, including velvets, silks, wool, and beyond. The Chinese paper was hand painted, while the patterned were crafted using printing blocks. Wallpaper was typically purchased at bookshops since it was the book-shopkeepers who sold paper of every kind, be it stationary for writing letters or paper hangings for the wall.
Explore these articles on the history of wallpaper:
V&A: A Brief History of Wallpaper
Rodama: Early 18th Century Paper